George Pullman
Pullman came to Chicago from the New York. Pullman wanted to redesign railroad cars because on his way from New York, they were the most uncomfortable thing he ever sat in. The railroad cars only had wooden benches. Passengers had to sleep sitting up and had to quickly gulp down meals during terminals. Pullman called his version a palace on wheels. It had soft cloth-covered seats, heaters, fine woodwork, carpeting, oil lamps, velvet curtains, plants and beds. He offered his luxury car to bring Lincoln's body to Illinois. This trip made Pullman's sleeper car a success. He formed the Palace Car Company. Once railroad travel increased, most railroad companies bought Pullman sleeper cars. This company had the largest employer for african americans. Chicago tested Pullman in the Great Railroad Strike, a nationwide strike that saw more than one hundred thousand workers walk off the job for several days. Pullman created his own town, Pullman, IL. Pullman church, Pullman stables, Pullman hotel, theaters, post office, stores, parks, a free kindergarten, good schools, athletic facilities and homes for 5,000 families. These families were employed at the Pullman Company. Pullman, IL was known as "the most perfect city of the world."